Texas Congressional Candidate Rick Walker Reissues Challenge to Debate

HOUSTON, January 1, 2018 (Newswire.com) - A new year, a renewed call to debate! Rick Walker, candidate for U.S. Congress in Texas’ 2nd Congressional District, is once again challenging his opponents for a face to face debate. Not a single candidate accepted Walker’s first challenge to a series of debates he made three weeks ago.
“With nine candidates vying for the nomination, it is time that we give voters the opportunity to truly learn who is seeking to represent them,” said Republican candidate Rick Walker. “With weighty issues facing our nation, it’s worth taking the time to understand the differences between these candidates. As I said before: I am ready to take a stand!”
No one has accepted my original call for a series of debates. I'm reissuing my challenge to all other candidates.
Rick Walker, Candidate, Texas' 2nd Congressional District
Kingwood resident Rick Walker is running to replace retiring GOP Congressman Ted Poe for Texas’ 2nd Congressional District.
Walker truly lives the motto “Houston Strong” and stands out from the crowd as a successful leader in multiple domains – business, global and charitable. His home sustained catastrophic damage during Hurricane Harvey and he has been working tirelessly to help his neighbors and community rebuild.
The values of Faith, Family, and Country are the rock upon which Rick says he will fight to bring good-paying jobs here at home, promote family values and the right to life, all while cutting government and bureaucratic waste through increased efficiency. Rick Walker states he shares the values of the people of Texas’ 2nd Congressional District and will put them to work for his constituents in Congress.
“No one has accepted my original call for a series of debates. I’m reissuing my challenge to all other candidates, asking them to join me in a series of debates,” said Rick. “With our values under attack by Democrats nationwide, Texans deserve someone who will not shrink from a fight; who will walk towards the fire. We need to see where people stand and weed out those who hide from the issues our constituents expect us to champion.”
Debate location, times and dates are in the works, and specifics will be released once Rick and his team hear back from candidates on their availability.
Media are welcome to use the attached photo or any of this release for their own use. To arrange an interview with Rick Walker, contact press@rickwalker.com.
Source: Rick Walker for Congress
Categories: Politics, Business
Tags: 2nd congressional district, businessman rick walker, candidate for congress, rick walker rick walker for congress, ted poe